EGU2013 PICO Sessions
PICO Spot # | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1 | HS1.2 | GI1.4/SSS6.11 | NH3.7 | G6.3 | TS1.1 |
2 | ESSI2.8 | GD6.1/GMPV11 | GMPV14/GD6.2/SM6.7 | ERE1.5 | ST1.4 |
3 | AS3.11 | CL4.3 | GM2.1 | OS2.5 | SSS0.0 |
4 | BG2.1 | SM4.2/GD8.5/TS9.10 | IG5/CL5.15/SSP4.2 | PS6.1 | |
5 | SSP3.1 | NP3.3 |

PICO – Presenting Interactive COntent
PICO is short, precise, scientific. And PICO is the best of both worlds. PICO is bringing the advantages of both, oral and poster, together into an innovative type of presentation which opens the opportunity to be interactive. Every PICO author presents first his/her work orally. But afterwards, all session attendees have enough time to watch the presentation again, to hold discussions with the author and colleagues, and to network.
A PICO presentation might be a Power Point one, a movie, an animation, or simply a PDF showing your research on a display. A PICO session takes place at the PICO Spot which is a combination of an audience sitting in front of a screen together with a number of Touch Screen Displays. The PICO session starts with a "2-minutes-madness". All authors present the essence of their work with 2 slides in 2 minutes. Afterwards, the audience is using the touch screens spread in the PICO Spot to view again their PICO presentation(s) of interest.
All authors have shown their face through an oral contribution. But at the same time there is space to discuss the presentation in detail – formally known as the advantage of posters. In a PICO world there is no oral/poster selection any more. Everybody gets both – a PICO.
In 2013 we start with the first five PICO Spots located mainly in the poster areas. A number of selected sessions will be organized as PICO sessions instead of poster sessions. This will be announced through emails as well as in the programme book. All participants are cordially invited to take place in such a PICO session. Our evaluation afterwards provides the opportunity for you to comment on the PICO concept. We are convinced that PICO will be of great benefit to the community. Join us and be curious!